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Meet Your Instructors

Every certified ISR Instructor undergoes 8 weeks of intensive and rigorous training, consisting of academic learning as well as hands on in-water training. All of your NEOISR instructors traveled 4-12 hours away from home for 6 weeks to receive their gold standard certified ISR training. Each Instructor is also required to go through a recertification process each year. All instructors must maintain active CPR and First Aid certification. Please see below for each instructor's location and upcoming schedule.



Julia Buddie


Instagram: juliabuddieisr

Facebook: Julia Buddie ISR

Julia teaches in Amherst and surrounding areas. Julia became a certified ISR instructor in 2015 after her oldest daughter, Stella went through the program. Her favorite part of teaching ISR is giving her students confidence in the water and building relationships with each family she meets.

Julie is spending Winter 2024/2025 traveling with her family and will not be taking on any new students until Summer 2025. Please stay tuned for Summer 2025 session info!

Click here to join Julia's waitlsit





Emily Plemons


Facebook Page

Instagram Page

Emily teaches in Amherst and surrounding areas.
Emily has 10 years experience in the learn to swim industry and became a certified ISR instructor in June 2021 after learning about ISR through the advocacy of Nicole Hughes, a mom who lost her 3 year old son to drowning. Her favorite part of teaching ISR is seeing how much progress her students make and how confident they become. Her daughter first went through the ISR program with Julia Buddie at 8 months old.

2025 Lessons - Now Enrolling!
All sessions are located at Amherst Healthplex
January 13th: Select early and mid-morning slots still left
April 14th: Now Open For Enrollment - times between 7am-11am
Summer 2025: Seeking Host Pool in Amherst or surround areas! Please email for info on applying to be a host pool

Email to sign up for a session or inquire about lessons



Kelsey Schultz


Instagram Page

Email List

Kelsey teaches in Strongsville. Kelsey became a certified instructor in 2023 after her daughter went through the program both as a floater and a swim-float-swim student. Before becoming a mom, she helped adults learn how to live a healthy balanced life as a certified personal training and macro coach. Since having her daughter, she has formed a new passion for teaching young children these lifesaving skills. Her favorite part of ISR is watching the child's confidence grow both in and out of the water because of what they accomplish in lessons.

2025 Sessions

January 6th: FILLED

March 10th: FILLED

May 5th: 7am-9am @ Strongsville Recreation Center

September 2nd: 7 am-9am @ Strongsville Recreation Center


Enrollment for May and September 2025 session will open after the New Year. Join my email list to be notified of session enrollment.

Email for more information!



Eric Johnston


Instagram: SwimWithEric_isr

Eric completed his ISR instructor certification in March of 2024. He lives in Avon and plans to teach in Avon and the surrounding areas of west side Cleveland. Eric is retired from Education, serving the special needs population for 22 years. His two daughters, Elle (10) and Evelyn (2) both went through the ISR program with Julia Buddie, who was a huge inspiration in becoming an ISR Instructor. Eric is looking forward to continuing to educate children, just in a different environment, and making sure that #NotOneMoreChildDrowns.




***Evening Sessions***


Starting: Jan 6th, Mar 3rd, and May 5th


***Morning Session***

Starting: Sept 2nd 



In-Home Private Lessons

We have very limited availability for private in-home lessons each summer. Our mission is to get as many kids safe around the water as possible. In order to do that, we typically teach out of one location. Time spent driving to a private in-home lesson is time we could be spending teaching more children to self-rescue. Our in-home lesson is priced accordingly and charged per 10 minutes of travel time. 


Travel Fee: Starts at $100+ a day NOT including regular tuition fees


If you are interested in in-home lessons for Summer 2025 and understand the premium pricing, please inquire with your desired instructor.

©2021 by ISR of Northeast Ohio. Proudly created with

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